Arranging Financing
Written communication is the best way to contact us initially. After a cursory review and discussion of your business, we can give you an indication of how we might work together. If the opportunity is not aligned with our investment interests, we refer you to other financial sources. On the other hand, when the opportunity does match our interests, ECAP wants to spend time with company management to gain a thorough understanding of the following areas:
- Features of Your Products, Services, and Space
- Market Strategy
- Characteristics of the Market Served and Competition
- Expansion Plans
- Management Teams
- Financial Data (Historical Projections)
- Use of Funds
*The time required to complete financing/increased liquidity, including initial screening, due diligence, legal documentation, and closing, varies but can generally be accomplished within weeks versus months.
Institutional Sponsorship
As one of a multitude of publicly traded companies, you know that stock is as valuable as key personnel or great ideas. However, a firm's stock often remains hidden or overlooked by either buy-side or sell-side market as well as financial analysts. It is our mission to bring your enterprise before the proper institutional audience, while at the same time bracketing out any market vagaries that might hinder raising capital, commencing acquisitions, or increasing visibility.
Most of our deal flow is found in the micro-cap/small-cap sectors, which tend to be undercapitalized and show low performance in liquidity and volume when trading. They are not closely followed by the professional investment community and almost always, there is very limited sell-side analytical coverage and retail market-making support.
To bring a client into the spotlight, we introduce company representatives to both sell-side and buy-side analysts. Further introductions are made to retail brokers, market makers, and larger corporate finance entities. These activities are bolstered by direct contact with fund managers of family offices. Over the past 30 years, we have compiled a database of personal contact information for over 48,000 brokers/dealers in corporate and branch offices, family trust, venture capital firms, private equity companies, most domestic and offshore hedge funds, registered market makers, and traders within the micro-cap/small-cap community.
We deliver utility in many areas both on and off the balance sheet through vertical integration. Our principal objective is to maximize a client company's shareholder value, and we never waiver from this one purpose.